Spring is in bloom
Our Senior RLO at Siedle House, Jodie, is actively working alongside the residents on a fabulous Social Values project transforming the Sun Lounge Roof Terrace into a welcoming, colourful sunny retreat the residents can be proud of and can be enjoyed by residents and their families.
Along with some of the residents, a lot of effort has been made in the past month, digging up flower beds, and planting bulbs and bedding plants. The residents are enjoying the activities and the aim is to have completed by the summer
Invicta have donated a new garden bench as well as all the materials and above-mentioned plants required to transform the roof into a safe space where residents can take a break from the confinement of their flats.
Furthermore, Jodie has initiated a seed growing competition going at the moment, including herbs and runner beans.
It’s lovely to announce that with Spring finally making an appearance, we are beginning to see the fruits of our labour.